ASCAMM organizes grouped participations fairs, many of them in conjunction with FEAMM and related entities. We also organize visits grouped fairs interest to companies in our industry.
FAIRS 2021
Equiplast fair will be held from 14th to 18th september 2021 in Barcelona-GRan Via and ASCAMM is collaborating with the organization of a grouped participation.
FAIRS 2020
Advanced Factories has been celebrated in Barcelona from the 3rd to the 5th march.
FAIRS 2019
The INDUSTRY from needs to solutions fair and congress will be held from 29th to 11th October in Barcelona-Gran Via and ASCAMM will collaborate with a grouped participation in the Moulds and Dies sector of the fair.
The Advanced Factories fair and congress has been held from 9 to 11 April in Barcelona (CCIB) and ASCAMM has collaborated.
Last October was hold in Barcelona the IN (3D) USTRY fair to which FEAMM collaborated, due that this edition incorporated a space dedicated to Moulds and Dies companies.
ASCAMM collaborated in this fair and congress, that was hold in Barcelona from the 16th to the 18th of October.
FEAMM organized, with the support of ICEX, a grouped participation to Plastimagen fair that was hold in Mexico from the 7th to the 10th of November 2017.
ASCAMM organized a grouped participation to Equiplast fair that was hold in Barcelona from the 2nd to the 6th of October 2017.
From the 3rd to the 5th of October 2017, the IOT (Internet of Things) fair and congress was hold at the Fira of Barcelona, in the Gran Via venue.
FEAMM organized a grouped participation to Plastimagen Fair held in Mexico city from 8th to 11th of March 2016.
In this grouped participation there was DICOMOL together with the following companies: ACERPLAS, HISPAMOLDES i SEBASTIAN FUSTEL that occupied an isle of 72m. More information
ASCAMM organized a grouped participation to EQUIPLAST fair hold in Barcelona from September 30th to October 3rd.
From 18th to 21st of November was hold in Mexico City the 19th edition of the fair PLASTIMAGEN. FEAMM organized, with the support of ICEX, a clustered participation.
AVEP (Valencian Association of Plastics) organized a grouped participation to PLASTALGER fair held in Algiers (Algeria) from 6th to 8th of April.